Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Essence of the Idea of Form.

If I was to say that I am the biggest thing,
I would be too proud. I know I am not,
I am yet a seed in a vast garden covering infinity.
Who is the gardener?
Oh, corny question, it is!
An artist, a musician, and a idea that devours the idea
of beauty.
If I was to say that I am the biggest thing,
I would be unlearned. I know I am not,
I am yet a stroke of paint in this beautiful mural.
Painting the sky, the grass- each blade.
My mind cannot even fathom the mass!
Oh, Artist of my life, show me the beauty
Musican, please play the melodies that will
Feed my soul, my life.
You don't need our compliance,
our prayers. You know how we really feel.
We embody you, and you embody us We represent
One another in some intangible interpretation.
If I was to say that I am the biggest thing,
I would be a fool, to assume that this all happened
On accident. I would be denying the elements that lie at my feet,
Under them, in them, and above.
I need to feel the raw of this being. The feelings
That makes me whole

Monday, May 12, 2008

Man of Fire

Man of Fire
You reach to grab the phone,
But you singe it with one touch.
You ache with rage, and it
Blossoms from your fingertips.
Man of fire, you inspire me.
You ignite my passion of strength.
To demolish, and to destroy
Everything you ever wanted.
But what sadness on your face,
The loneliness you behold.
What you touch turns to ash.
What you want you can never have.
Man of fire, you take my sympathy.
I'll give you the tears you cannot cry
To demolish, and destroy
Your flaming heart and soul.