Monday, October 26, 2009

The feeling that you're the exception. The one who's body isn't made from skin and muscle. That underneath this protective layer are bones and tissue. That my brain is inside my skull, confined by my identity and comparable to every other female. Not to suggest that I am above or that I'm different, but that I don't feel scientific. I don't feel like my body can be predicted by an individual I've never met. I feel like I breathe real air that only soothes my being and not my components.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lying on this plateau, sweating in this heat.
from my skin, its puddling around my hands - my feet.
I am surrounded.
By nothing meaningful. I've never been so alone.
I am so in control, yet so un-united with myself.
Can I hold myself together?
Oh, the ball just started rolling...

Where does my love and consistency lie? Absorbed in this earth,
no longer tangible. Illogical it seems.
Erased from brain, from heart.

I have the garden, I am fully grateful. Beauty still -
It reigns. But I'm sitting in an orchard and all the near trees have passed.
The shade I loved so much. So gone. So lost.
I'm sweating on this plateau.
My palms are wet.

It never falls on needed ears, always my own.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm a paralyzed blank staring body. Empty of all emotions. For the split minute. How I wish these minutes would stay. My mind, the flood, comes back from all my suppression. Out my eyes, not out of my soul - I wish. I am human, with gardens growing from my stomach. Out of my mouth - they bloom. These words... do they find their resting place? A settled piece of earth.
A beautiful garden I am, with withering plants with no home.
I am nothing but soil - ready to hold beauty.
Where am I? My goal was happiness during this time. My season, my time. I feel nothing but yet I feel everything. I am nothing since I have no recognition.
I'm wandering mazes and there's no outlet. Where is my home?
My sanctuary.
Where do I feel myself?
That home is gone. I'm the ivy that's pulled off it's stand.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

my brain is a knot, a neverending line of thoughts
overboard i feel and i'm drowning in the sea
material over person.
overboard it seems.
We talk in collisions of thought, bouncing on posts
careful not to fall.
Where are we? We are lost.
I drive and find my new best friend, a vestibule to follow
one that i can streamline behind
put my mind in neutral and let it roll.
these thoughts, they come to mind.
my light in my hands are dying.
material over person.