Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm a paralyzed blank staring body. Empty of all emotions. For the split minute. How I wish these minutes would stay. My mind, the flood, comes back from all my suppression. Out my eyes, not out of my soul - I wish. I am human, with gardens growing from my stomach. Out of my mouth - they bloom. These words... do they find their resting place? A settled piece of earth.
A beautiful garden I am, with withering plants with no home.
I am nothing but soil - ready to hold beauty.
Where am I? My goal was happiness during this time. My season, my time. I feel nothing but yet I feel everything. I am nothing since I have no recognition.
I'm wandering mazes and there's no outlet. Where is my home?
My sanctuary.
Where do I feel myself?
That home is gone. I'm the ivy that's pulled off it's stand.

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